An underrated movie

I enjoyed "The Flame of New Orleans." It's a trifle but a lovely one. I especially enjoyed the chemistry between Dietrich and the underrated Bruce Cabot; Laura Hope Crews' "advice to the bride" (LOL); Dietrich's song at the harpsichord as we watch the gossip spread; the post-coital conversation on the deck of the boat; the bored bridesmaids at the wedding; and the fainting scenes. The movie isn't a masterpiece, but it's entertaining, and it moves along. I recommend it.


I agree that it's a very entertaining movie, and Marlene, as well as the rest of the cast, gave a terrific performance, proving that she was a very fine comedienne. Agreed also about Bruce Cabot. He was very handsome and a good actor that should have been a bigger star. It was also nice to see Theresa Harris, funny and beautiful as usual.

Animal crackers in my soup
Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop


Also agree. Happened to see it because it's on a collection of Dietrich films.
