55! my eye

I saw this flick for the first time today and thoroughly enjoyed it.
At one point the Merrick/Higgins character admits to being 55 years old.
I couldn't believe that stretch.
The film was released in 1941. Coburn was born in 1877 so that's about 64 years right there and I think he looked a good bit older than that.
I guess that's just Hollywood for you.


As well, Jean Arthur was 39, but it is likely her character was supposed to be much younger.


Hollywood has a long history of having us believe...
Look at Jimmy Stewart in Spirit of St Louis
Robert Redford in The Natural
Robert Mitchum in The Winds of War
Just 3 cases of an actor way past the age of the person they were portraying.
Yet once the performance starts sometimes the years melt away.


or all of the Rydell High "kids" in Grease!


I'd also like to see young people play the age that they're supposed to be. It seems that older actors, those in their mid-20's, play parts of younger people who are supposed to be in their teens.


I'm generally okay with this. I've yet to be persuaded that 90% of teenage actors can actually act.


His facial expression seemed pretty clear to me, it was a joke as he obviously didn't want to give his real age.


I agree. He didn't want them to know his real age and see him as close to retirement age.


Indeed. It's one of many fast ones he pulled. As for Jean Arthur, she barely looks 30 here, so she's completely believable as the shopgirl.
