I don't get the title...

Why name this "The Devil Commands"? The devil is never mentioned, let alone a command. Ideas?

Great movie, still.



I think it's merely to indicate that Borloff's experiments are blashphemous (necromancy, essentialy) as well as the methods he uses (dead bodies stolen from graves as 'tuners') and where it leads him (madness, obsession, and I guess to destruction, but it's not made clear, he simply disappears - between scenes in the lab, and his daughter escaping and people coming to her rescue, and then cutting back to the lab with him gone, presumably into the vortex, after hearing his dead wife speak his name audibly).

So the work is 'of the devil', tho' the devil never enters directly into the story.


Yeah and this flick was condemned by the Catholic church; that in itself is great!

Nothing exists more beautifully than nothing.


One of the creepiest films I've ever seen. Something about those mannikins sitting around the table...


They're corpses, not mannikins.....

I like the way they shake and shudder when the experiment is going on....

THAT is creepy.


Sorry, it's been about 40 years since I saw it.

Imagine that.



I agree, this is far more chilling then Frankenstein, or any modern blood and gore film.


The Catholic church condemned this movie? Ha, I take it they just threw there hands up with modern movies lol.


No disagreement- the film was chilling to view but of course terribly tragic -the same with the original THE MUMMY. Both are essentially love stories and how the loss of a loved one drives the one left "back" inconsolably fractured. Evidently THE MUMMY is being made again with a modern setting which I will avoid. I think Western culture and particularly America will revisit reincarnation during this empire's decline.


The name of the novel that this movie was made from was titled, "the edge of running water" if I remember right; they probably didn't want to use that title for the movie because it is too 'flowery' and wouldn't convey the idea of a horror movie. On the side-note, movies with words like 'devil' and 'hell' in the title draw more viewers. (really!). The phrase 'edge of running water' is a reference (I think) to the time-travel idea, that you can't wade through the same area of water twice, because the water has already passed by. Do a google on the phrase "edge of running water" and maybe it will turn up more....and before I forget: this movie scared the crud out of me as a youngster; the last scene of floating encased corpses...yeeeesh!!


I was the original poster - I saw this when I was 10 and was too scared to watch the end. Now I finally saw it 45 years later - what a show!


Maybe because the actress who played the villain in this movie was a communist in real life.


Refusing to testify before the absurd and certainly illegal House Un-American Activities Committee does not make one a communist.


Yes, it does, Rich.

I'd like to bring back the HUAAC to prosecute all the Leftists who have done so much to ruin the world's greatest country, but there just isn't enough time.


Your boy Reagan would fail that test, because compared to the modern GOP his views are pretty Leftist.

"I do believe that a machine gun is not a sporting weapon or needed for needed for defense of a home." - Ronald Reagan, 1989



Ronald Reagan is a true conservative; today's GOP is greatly watered-down and has strayed considerably from it's conservative roots.

The correct quote is as follows:

I do not believe in taking away the right of the citizen for sporting, for hunting and so forth, or for home defense,” he said. “But I do believe that an AK-47, a machine gun, is not a sporting weapon or needed for defense of a home.

Quite a bit different than the false quote that you provided, hmmm??
