
Tony: a.k.a. one of the best child characters ever!

The thing with this film is that it helped create all the cliches that you know see in Hollywood. And with the help of Tony.

God Bless Tony



Santo the wrestler god of old Mexico is better than this vomit. Ask a sailor!

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


"...and the pipe organ?" How cute.

"I mustn't cry, Auntie Edna." So heartbreakingly adorable.

That's why you and I don't see eye-to-eye sometimes, Jack; because you're a man of science.


So good he never made another movie. It was a performance of its time-sickeningly sweet and unreal.
Haley Joel Osment he most definitely was not!!


He was a she - Tony was played by a girl, Patricia Barker. Seriously - google it.


I did not know that, thanks for that . Is there information on what happened to her?

