Gary Cooper in this

Did you think he was well cast? He seemed a little odd in this role to me.



Ooooh. I thought he was perfectly cast, too!
So shy naive and fine....
Perfect foil for her character to corrupt deliciously!


I thought he was great in this role. I suppose when I think about it, or on paper, it does seem like an odd cast. However, I love Sgt. York and I think that really made me buy Coop in this role. When Osbourne & Baldwin discussed this film on TCM Essentials, one of them remarked how Cooper didn't have to do much, it was a such a simple performance, and yet that was the genius of it b/c it worked so well. I think that's true.

"Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl


Worked well and had a few moments of fairly subtle, minimalist hilarity in the mix. He was good and not even ´that´ much dominated by the sparkling Stanwyck as her male counterparts usually seemed.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Isn't that nice? He seems odd in this role and Potts is definitely odd. What a success in character immersion. :-)

When you're excited, you'll win.


I thought that everyone was perfectly cast here.

JimHutton as ElleryQueen: talented hot sexy


I don't always love Gary Cooper - not the biggest fan of either of his Oscar-winning roles. But there are a couple of films where, to me, he is simply wonderful and this - one of the funniest movies I have ever seen - is one of them. The character was supposed to be a little odd and I believe he played it to perfection.

The Pride of the Yankees would be a close second favourite.


I blow hot and cold with Gary Cooper. But, I thought he was charming in this movie.
