Interesting trivia

Both Richard Haydn (Prof. Oddly) and Leonid Kinskey (Prof. Quintana) were only in their thirties when this film was made and therefore younger than Gary Cooper. Likewise, Oscar Homolka (Prof. Gurkakoff) was only a few years older than Coop.




He looked so familiar, its max from sound of music with old man makeup!


jknuttel-2 says > Both Richard Haydn (Prof. Oddly) and Leonid Kinskey (Prof. Quintana) were only in their thirties when this film was made and therefore younger than Gary Cooper. Likewise, Oscar Homolka (Prof. Gurkakoff) was only a few years older than Coop.
That is an interesting tidbit but I'm not sure why that always seems to surprise people. First, we all know actors are playing a part. I think most of us realize they're not really professors who share a home but when it comes to age we are often surprised they're playing a character that's not their same age.

We also know there are people who look older, or younger, for their age as compared to others. Some actors have spent their entire careers playing characters that are either much older or much younger than their actual ages. Like I said before, I enjoy the trivia associated with a movie but I can't help but think there's a bit of ageism and other -isms going on as well.

Actors are made up to look the part. They use props and physical characteristics to relay information to the viewer about the character. That's goes with the job yet lately I notice a lot of people complain when an actor portrays a character that is a different age or different nationality than what they are.

I don't tend to have an issue with those things but I will admit, as I have before, that I have a very hard time watching a gay actor play straight. Attraction and chemistry, in my opinion, are hard to fake onscreen. I've seen real life couples who were unable to pull it off. They may have it off screen but they seemed very awkward and unconvincing on camera. I don't care to watch them either.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]


I agree, for the most part. But I've been watching Rock Hudson play straight guys my whole life, and he has always seemed perfectly plausible in those roles, both before and after I learned that he was gay. Same goes for Raymond Burr, Richard Chamberlain, and others.
