MovieChat Forums > You'll Find Out (1940) Discussion > Where to Find on VHS Video

Where to Find on VHS Video

Where to find VHS Videotapes of Kay Kyser's movies, such as this one:


Steven Beasley's website about bandleader Kay Kyser, the ol' Professor of Swing,
with his 'Kollege of Musical Knowledge' during WWII.

and e-mail Steve Beasley at:

[email protected]

for details.



Please let us know if this movie is released on DVD!
We would love to have copies of it!



I can provide copies of this on DVD (or VHS). Email [email protected].


Unabled to find "You'll find out" on vhs or dvd anywhere. Be very glad to have a copy on dvd. Now, I live in Montreal. Que. Canada. and I don't think it would be a problem to ship it if you are in the U.S. Once I asked for a copy of another film from England and it came here all right, but I never was able to make his two copies work. I know you'll have to pay for the mail and the dvd, but I'll pay you back, or send you the money as soon as I know the charges. My dvd is a Pioneer that can read dvd-R, dvd-RW. Could you make a copy that I can play? Much obliged. [email protected] or [email protected]


Yes, it would be nice if first rate fun films such as "YOU'LL FIND OUT" were available on DVD.

Unaccountably, there are many popular top notch films that haven't rated DVD:
Among others--
"THE FULLER BRUSH LADY" 1950, starring Lucille Ball.
"NOCTURNE" 1946, staring George Raft.
"THE UNINVITED" 1944, starring Ray Milland.
"REBECCA" 1979, starring Jeremy Brett.
"THE SEVENTH VEIL" 1945, starring James Mason and Ann Todd.
THE UNSUSPECTED 1946, starring Claude Rains.
The unedited--"DON'T FENCE ME IN" 1945, starring Roy Rogers
(It's funny!)
THE FALCON SERIES 1942-1946, starring Tom Conway.
"HOME, SWEET HOMOCIDE" 1946, starring Lyne Bari.
"THE CHEATERS", starring Billie Burke.
"MISS TADLOCK'S MILLIONS" 1948, starring John Lund
(Different, to say the least..)

No explanation.
Crazy, considering all the junk out there that IS available on DVD.


Yes, and my all-time favorite horror comedy, KING OF THE ZOMBIES (Monogram, 1941). It's a laff riot!



I noticed someone mentioned my name and website at kaykyserdotnet. You can also check my Kyser myspace page at You can contact me through my myspace page.

Turner DID release YFO on vhs and laser disc in the mid 80s. You can always try ebay. Beware of the 'yellow box' version, as they misspell Kyser's name on the box, so who can trust them to do a good quality dupe?

It's a fun film. I'm currently selling a couple of lobby cards from the film on ebay.Thanks!


Hello! I remember you! We corresponded on email about five years ago! Love your Kay Kyser website! My Dad was a big fan of KK and the Kollege of Musical Knowledge way back when I was a kid.

Yes, I got a DVD of YOU'LL FIND OUT from a film editor at CBS-TV in New York City about six months ago, and the quality is first-rate. He made it from the print in the CBS-TV film library there.

My sister bought a high-quality DVD of this movie from Movies Unlimited. They also are selling it on VHS videotape.

There are some freaky horror moments in this movie that really scared me when I was a kid, when I first saw this movie on TV in the late 1950s. The seance with the weird voices and music and the vocoder electronic voicebox are highlights as well as the musical numbers with KK, Ginny Simms, Harry Babbitt, and Ish Kabibble.

And wow! What a treat to see three major horror stars all together in one movie - Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, and Peter Lorre!

All my best! All right chillun, yesdance!



This film is being issued along with three other pictures as part of a Karloff and Lugosi box set by Warner Home Video. The release date is October 6.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


Very cool, Woody! I will look for it this fall.





Evenin' Folks- How y'all! Some of you might be interested to know the very first full length biography (341 pages) on Kay Kyser has just been released by Richland Creek Publishing. Titled 'Kay Kyser-the Ol' Professor of Swing! America's Forgotten Superstar'. Written by me, KK archivist Steven Beasley.
Over 100 rare photos, interviews w/ Kyser, KK bandmembers, and the Kyser family (including Georgia, his widow)and friends. There's a chapter on YOU'LL FIND OUT, and color repros of KK film lobbycards, sheet music and KK mag covers in addition to full discography/reviews. Google 'Kay Kyser book'. Also available at Amazon. Perfect for that radio/big band fan/old movie buff on your Xmas list. Cmon chillen, 'Yess' READ!
