MovieChat Forums > The Westerner (1940) Discussion > Gregg Toland and William Wyler - genius

Gregg Toland and William Wyler - genius

Not only is this a well-acted and immaculately directed, The Westerner is gorgeously filmed. The skies are another character.

The first encounter between Bean and Hardin talking about Langtry in the 'courtroom' is also fantastically filmed. The actors are absolutely in synch. Every actor should watch this segment. This is how you do it.


You are so right


I agree about the courtscene


The film is enormously rich in detailed touches throughout . . . acting, editing, close-ups. The quick shot of the "jurists" boots walking on the "deliberating" table (which nearly upsets), the wordless choreography of when Bean and Cole first drink together, how Walter Brennan reverently / impatiently awaits his first look at the "lock of hair" which he fears getting blown away in the wind. And the subtle facial interplay in the scene where Coop clips the lock of hair. Yes, it's consummate filming all the way.


yep. dig the editing too.



Walter Brennen seems to be in a lot of cooper films. Sargent York was one. Were they good friends?
