WW I air raids?

Were there actually air raids on London during World War I ?



Yes, there were! Of course they didn't cause anywhere near the property damage or deaths of the bombing raids of World War II, but sure, huge German Gotha bombers regularly went over England - particularly in the latter years of the war.


Zeppelin airship raids too.


but this film is set in WW2 - listen to the commentary at the beginning, and air rids weren't common in WW1 - oops just found out that the beginning is in flash back - im glad i didn't realise that when i first watched the film as it would let you know immediately that their love would not last


This movie was not set in WW2. Just the first and last scenes. The bulk of the movie was a flashback to WW1.

"Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat". ~Henry Emerson Fosdick


The movie flashes back to the start of WWI before any air raids had ever occurred in London. Air raid shelters were not developed until the mid 1930's. The previously mentioned German Gotha bomber was not developed until 1917. Only 36 of them were ever built. Their total impact on London must have been very slight.

Instead of having the couple have a close encounter in an air raid shelter, perhaps a better location could have been inspired by the 1931 version of this story.


The Zeppelin raids actually caused a fair bit of damage, and killed quite few people, without looking it up I can't be precise, but I think it was over a thousand.

It was an Underground railway station, not an air raid shelter.


My grandmother lived in London in WW1 and she could remember the Zeppelins coming over.
Apparently the Zeppelins had orders from Kaiser Bill not to bomb Buckingham Palace because his relatives lived there.
