Multi armed statue god

Which actress played the part of the murdering multi armed statue god?

nismo power r34gtr


The Silver Maid was played by Marry Morris.

"Just as I was about to perform, Connie noticed I was quite nervous and tense. He came very close, and, with a naughty twinkle in his eye, whispered in a risque tone, "Mary, just think what a wonderful night you could have with six arms!" ~ Marry Morris


Wait...the same actress who played Jafar's servant played the Silver Maid? That's pretty cool!

"A bit of musicality, PLEASE!" Strictly Ballroom


Yea, she played Halima and the Silver Maid. I've even seen her credit as "Halima, the Silver Maid," but I don't think the doll was supposed to be her in disguise. I think they were intended as two separate characters.


Well, whatever the intention was, she's fabulous! The Silver Maid has always been my favorite part of the entire movie. I'd also love to know who did the choreography for her "dance". It's great, because we are as mesmerized by it as the King is. Too bad films back then didn't give screen credit to everyone.

"A bit of musicality, PLEASE!" Strictly Ballroom


The IMDb listing says:
Wendy Toye .... dance instructor: mechanical doll dance (uncredited)

I think I added that one, and if I did it would have probably come from the book by Philip Leibfried and Malcolm Willits about the film.

That includes a lot of information about how it was all made, what was cut out and who did a lot of the uncredited work



Wendy Toye - the brilliant, totally underated and forgotten female British director? NFW!!!! No *wonder* it was so good!

Steve, I should've known you'd know!

"A bit of musicality, PLEASE!" Strictly Ballroom


If anyone's interrested she played No 2 in an episode of THE PRISONER,


Wendy Toye died recently

RIP and thank you Wendy

