A great movie!

Well worth seeing. I missed the first ten minutes of it and even though it wasn't hard to figure what was going on I still plan to watch it again when it comes on again. Peter Lorre is good but his appearance is brief in the movie and I don't think he says anything till near the end. A good movie indeed.



I can't believe any serious person would give this melodrama an IMDB rating of 5 or above. The writing, acting and directing are amateurish. Too bad, the basic premise is a good one and could have been developed into true film noir.


Although the performances by the leading duo McGuire/Tallichet aren´t indeed much impressive (and also Cook hammed it up a bit too much) and the dialogue was often quite hokey, I think the cinematography in particular is really outstanding and what makes it a good and worthwhile movie ultimately. Some have described the dream sequence as one of the best ever and actually, I wouldn´t necessarily argue with them. Lorre´s positively creepy, too, even though the general dynamic of the final 10 or so minutes doesn´t feel quite right overall. Either way, the good things definitely override the bad ones; I´d give it something like 6,5-7/10 myself.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


I totally agree. This movie was way too '40's, way too "programmer", and way too RKO. It's a slap in the face to any intelligent viewer.


While I can see why some people would like it, I myself give it a 5. I agree about the basic premise being a good one. Too bad it didn't turn out better.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


It was a 5 from me.

The leads were bland, the killer unmotivated (some people like that kind of thing and find it more scary - not me), and owed far too much to the German expressionist movement. The presentation was far stranger than the story required.

It's definitely unusual, but all in all the style was forced upon material onto which it didn't really belong.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


I thought it was good, but not great.
