Samson Raphaelson's screenplay

I am surprised that only few people know about Samson Raphaelson.

The first talking film "The Jazz Singer (1927)" is based on Samson Raphaelson's play "The Jazz Singer.".

Samson Raphaelson is very famous for working with Ernst Lubitsch. Samson Raphaelson worked with Ernst Lubitsch as a screenwriter. Trouble in Paradise, The Merry Widow, and The Shop around the corner are Samson Raphaelson's most famous works with Lubitsch.

Samson Raphaelson worked with Alfred Hitchcock in Suspicion (1941). Samson Raphaelson, Joan Harrison, and Alma Reville wrote the screenplay for Suspicion (1941).

Samson Raphaelson considered Suspicion, for Alfred Hitchcock, "in many ways my best screenplay.".

Suspicion and The Shop around the Corner are my personal favorites, because of the strong screenplay by Samson Raphaelson.
