what does bowlegged mean?

At the end when a big deal is made of whether jimmy stewart is "bowlegged." What does this mean?


Bowlegged means having legs shaped like this when they are together: ( )

That is, curved outward at the knees, as if one had just been riding a horse (John Wayne is notoriously bowlegged in his Western movies).

Of course, the humor is, that Jimmy Stewart's character isn't the least bit bowlegged -- nor would drawing his slacks up a few inches have determined whether he was or not!


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Right, it's just the opposite of knock-kneed: }{

That means curved inward at the knees, as if one had just been squeezed between two horses.

Wikipedia calls this condition "Genu valgum."



I knew what it meant but I was wondering why him NOT being bowlegged makes her kiss him?


You wouldn't want to get caught in public with someone bowlegged just as you would not want to get caught with "Short People." Just ask Randy Newman...


One of the things that caused this condition was a deficiency in nutrition, specifically a lack of vitamin C. One could interpret her unwillingness to kiss him would be that she perceived him as being sickly and unhealthy.


means he can't "stop a pig in a passage"


Great line. My dad used to say that when I was young - the 50s or so!

Thanks for the memory!


I don't think Stewart was bow-legged at all.


I don't know why no one has noticed this naughty little tidbit. Women used to say to guys long ago to look at their knees to see if they were bowlegged or not - when the guys would pull up their trousers - well, let's just say the material of their pants rather shows off how endowed they are or not. It's like guys who used to tell girls in grade school that they couldn't touch their elbows behind their backs. Girls would try it and it would jut their boobs out. It's silly - but there you have it.

C'mon...read my blog already: http://www.mariannsimms.blogspot.com


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