MovieChat Forums > The Philadelphia Story (1941) Discussion > Not that it should be remade....

Not that it should be remade....

BUT, if it were remade for today - it would have to have George Clooney - the last movie star left, Cate Blanchett - who already is Katherine Hepburn, and Tom Hanks - today's awshucks actor. Just putting that out there.


With the aid of a time machine, that might be a pretty fair group .....
But that cast would be too old now, in my opinion.

Hanks is already in his 50s, and you want him to play the character that Liz is allowing to mature a bit more before marrying?

At 32 or 33 Hepburn could still play a young woman (being young enough to pass for still being in her late 20s) who was still learning to appreciate and accept the world and people around her. If you portray someone over 40, as Blanchett is now, that way then you're going to create a very different set of feelings and implications around the character. It also would be pushing things a bit for Blanchett to still have an adolescent sister like Dinah.

And Clooney (at 48, over a decade older than Grant was when he played it as the oldest member of that main cast) is similarly older than is really appropriate for the role. Grant's Dexter implicitly went through his period of too often drinking too much at roughly 30-ish ..... not the most attractive bit of personal history, but young enough that one might still be able to chalk it up as something of an "indiscretion" while still maturing. Applying the timetable of the movie's backstory to Clooney would have him going through his drunk phase at closer to 45, which again brings a whole different set of implications and connotations.

As a side note:
I think that Ruth Hussey as Liz generally gets sold short in these sorts of things. Liz is an integral member of the little group, and Hussey delivers a wonderful performance here. She holds her own very well with her 3 more famous castmates. I think that she should be included more often in these sorts of looks at the cast of The Philadelphia Story.


Um, no. That person had to mean Clooney as Connor and Hanks as Dexter. Which I think would work quite well. They should do the play onstage.

I pronounce you man and wife. Proceed with the execution.


I don't think so. The OP was very specifically referring to Hanks having an "aw shucks" persona. That definitely would be equating him with Stewart, not Grant.

Either way, at this point they're both too old for both parts. (In a movie, anyway, with the close ups and such. You can get away with a lot more in that regard in live theater.)


The original characters may have been, or were supposed to be, in their late 20s-early 30s, but why couldn't it be made (agree that it should not be) with the characters a little older. The very young Dinah could be a niece. How about Judi Dench or Helen Mirren as Tracy's mother? It could be done.


It was remade. High Society.
Not well done at all. Unless I'm just biased.

If it were done today.

George Clooney or Gerard Butler

Cate Blanchett or Nicole Kidman

Jennifer Anniston or Jennifer Gardner

Ewan MacGregor or Aaron Eckhardt


I bet if they remade it, they'd use Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl and it would be horrid.


No, there is nobody in Hollywood now who holds a candle to Grant, Hepburn or Stewart. That's why they "don't make movies like this anymore"...they couldn't if they tried.

They tried to do a remake with Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra and Grace Kelly...and it STUNK! Do you really think that if those three mega-stars couldn't pull it off, George Clooney, or Cate Blanchett pretending to be Hepburn could do it?

It's like going to Beatlemania...they look good and they know all the notes and words to the songs, but it ain't the Beatles.

And you're right Kupotek, any actor or actress with a brain in their head wouldn't even try. They'd have to get desperate B-actors, and it would have to be "modernized" to "connect" with "young, hip movie-goers of today".

In other words, lots of bathroom humor, kicks in the groin, and a dog would have to lift its leg at some point.


Don't forget the full frontal nudity and the random pop culture references!

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


I completely agree Mike!

Can you imagine the horror if this was remade with the idiots (with a very few exceptions) that are considered actors/actresses today? You know it wouldn't have the same charm, they'd make it "funny" aka DUMB and the slapstick parts of it, i.e., Grant piefacing Hepburn, etc. would be forced.

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"A transplanted Rebel" Vicki


Wow that sounds really boring. Clooney and Cruise? They don't have half a personality between them. Please don't remake this. No Reason to. Especially since I'm pretty sure it was already remade.

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