MovieChat Forums > The Philadelphia Story (1941) Discussion > James Stewart's Oscar was undeserved

James Stewart's Oscar was undeserved

As far as I am concerned, Jimmy didn't deserve the Oscar mainly because there were better performances that year such as Laurence Olivier in Rebecca or especially Henry Fonda in The grapes of wrath. In addition, it wasn't the best performance in the film because Katharine Hepburn and Ruth Hussey(who was amazing) were far better. Don't get me wrong, I love James Stewart and he was quite good but he should have won for Mr.Smith goes to Washington or Anatomy of a murder and not for this film. However, I really liked this movie and it really deserved best adapted screenplay Oscar.

This would have been my choices in the acting categories:
Best actor- Henry Fonda-The grapes of wrath
Best actress-Joan Fontaine-Rebecca(I don't know how Ginger Rogers won)
Best supporting actor-Walter Brennan-The foreigner
Best supporting actress- It would have been difficult to choose because all were just amazing but perhaps Jane Darwell would have been my choice.


Everyone pretty much agrees that this was just a "holdover Oscar" because he didn't win the year before for Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. I think Harvey was his best performance. Henry Fonda's performance in The Grapes of Wrath is just so powerful, it's hard to believe it took him another four decades to win an Oscar. Personally, I think Katharine Hepburn was the true standout in this film and the most deserving of an Oscar...but I guess four Best Actress Oscars over a lifetime are enough for anyone, even Kate the Great


I wouldn't say it was undeserved, I would have given him one for this performance and numerous other roles he portrayed. But like it's been mentioned, the Oscar he won for TPS was really meant to be won for his role as Mr. Smith.

"I promise you, before I die I'll surely come to your doorstep"


There is a school of thought out there that Stewart's Oscar for this film was more of a consolation prize for being overlooked for MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON, a far superior performance IMO. I think Grant's performance in THE PHILADELPHIA STORY was much better and he wasn't even nominated and I still think Hepburn should have won.


He did probably get the award because the acadamey realised they messed up and he should have got it for Mr Smith but I really think he was better then Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn in this.
I liked his performance the best out of the three main parts.
I agree that Hepburn should have won though.

"Everybody be cool this is a robbery!"


Although I do agree that the Academy probably awarded Jimmy the Oscar as a consolation prize for Mr Smith, I do NOT agree that the Oscar was undeserved. In the commentary of this film, it was said that Jimmy had a really tough role as he had to play both a cynic, a poet, a comic and a romantic and yet he still made a believable honest portrayal. Furthermore he is very talented, his dramatic/comedic/romantic performances exemplify this, but equally, his subtleness when he is not in the centre of attention on screen. For example, watch him in The Philadelphia Story when he has no lines and awkwardly has to listen to Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn arguing - Jimmy's expressions spea volumes. Furthermore, he did wonderful performances between 1939 and 1940, such as Mr Smith Goes to Washington, The Shop Around the Corner and The Philadelphia Story. I believe he deserved the Oscar that year.


As someone who has been studying Oscar history in relation to American history, 1940's Oscars was the year of the common man. Henry Fonda lost not because his performance wasn't good, but because he seemed to intimidate Spencer Tracy in regards to the speech he gives. Jimmy Stewart won because he represented the common middle-class values in a time when that mattered more than intimating Spencer Tracy and honoring a rich man. The times did not call to honor and bathe in the rich, which is why Hepburn lost to Ginger Rogers, who played a common woman who chose a real, good-hearted, hard working man over a immoral rich guy.



I think Jimmy deserved his Oscar. His performance was fabulous. And sure,...there were many other greats nominated that year but Jimmy still well deserved his Oscar.

Jimmy Stewart: A Wonderful Legend
"Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing a Jimmy Stewart imitation myself"



I wouldn't say it was undeserved, I would have given him one for this performance and numerous other roles he portrayed. But like it's been mentioned, the Oscar he won for TPS was really meant to be won for his role as Mr. Smith.


It most certainly was not undeserved.

Poorly timed, yes.

Not "undeserved." other God calls - The Honorable Sheriff of Nottingham
