Very overrated movie

Amongst critics it is praised as one of the best American movies ever. I personally thought it was just mediocre.



i think you should give it another shot!
i don't think you really see the magic of the movie till you've seen it at least twice. i think then you start to realize the brilliance of the dialogue and the sweetness of the romantic scenes.



Based on Dialogue alone this is one of the best movies ever made, then the clever plot and first class acting push it to the top of my list.

Obviously you aren't a fan of witty, romantic comedy, oscar winning acting (and writing)or maybe black and white cinematography. Make sure you avoid other wonderful, witty films such as Arsenic and Old Lace, Bringing up Baby, His Girl Friday and It happened one night.

"black as midnight on a moonless night"


To defend the man a bit, I thought it was a bit of a mess myself and Bringing Up Baby is hilarious, way better than the philadelphia story.


Nah, to me Bringing up Baby is a disjointed mess compared to this movie.

Mind you I don't think it's actually bad.

Bringing up Baby 7/10
Philadelphia Story 9/10


I wholeheartedly agree. Calling "Bringing Up Baby" "overrated" has a lot more validity than calling "The Philadelphia Story" that. I liked "His Girl Friday" a lot more than I liked "Bringing Up Baby" as well. I just didn't buy the premise of "Bringing Up Baby" at all.


I completely agree with your comments jchcin1. Cary Grant is so relaxed & natural in Philadelphia Storyand His Girl Friday compared to the slapstick comedy of "Bringing Up Baby".


I'll join the crowd and agree with you folks.

Philadelphia Story is one of the wittiest and enjoyable comedies I've seen in a long time based purely on the dialogue. It's so rapid-fire and chock full of cultural references that you really need to pay attention, which can be a problem with people who are used to media fare that hits you over the head with every point they want to make. The treat of the movie, though, is in understanding it.

If you don't "get it" right away, do yourself a favor and see it again.

Bringing Up Baby has it's moments, but it is actually more of a "modern" comedy in that it dispenses with wit at the expense of farce and stupid situations. It isn't completely "modern," though, it'd have to have a mean streak in it for win that award.

Somewhere along the line, comedy abandoned funny and exchanged it for mean and stupid. Philadelphia Story is the complete antithesis of that, and deserves every accolade it has.


i agree. bringing Up baby is much funnier, and lacks the sanctimonious tone of The Philadelphia Story.


Only may be considered overated because of the all-star cast it had for the time. People thought it should be better than anything before. It was great. Think of the acting , dialog, story, etc... with different actors and you will realize how good it was. Cm'on "If the story should lag, perhaps you could tell Tracy about your dream".


I love the cast, but, in my opinion, the movie was so-so.


Actually I too think this film is incredibly overrated. I think in all this movie had great moments especially with Jimmy and Katherine but as a whole it was so-so. The ending was terrible, Cary Grant's acting was so stiff and robotic, and it had an abundance of potential for a really good story but just didn't do anything with it. Great acting from everyone else but it definitely doesn't hold up today.

RIP Paul Newman 1925-2008. Words can't express how much you will be missed.


This movie is a classic romantic comedy with superb acting from all the cast. Grant is terrific. Catch his facial expression near the end of the movie when Mike proposes to Tracy. It's like the air just left his body. He was truly in love with Tracy all along and in that moment showed his extreme emotional pain. When Tracy tells Mike that she can't marry him, Dexter shows such hope that Tracy finally has become a loving and accepting woman. I could watch this film over and over for the smart dialogue and acting.


I find it so amusing that no matter what movie's message board you visit, there's someone saying that the movie is overrated -- even, as in this case, with one of the greatest romantic comedies ever made.

"Don't dream it, be it."


Toby572, doesn't it tell you something when wherever you go people think this is overrated?

I was rather disappointed with this one. I was expecting something great but it was just an average movie. Less than average considering the cast is A class.


I agree it's overrated, and I knew she'll end up with Dexter just after i saw the other two male characters. So it was really boring waiting for everything to go back where it started. Awfully predictable movie. For a screwball comedy it is too slow paced and the dialogues aren't sharp enough.


No, it wasn't that everyone thinks THIS movie is overrated. It's that someone will always say that ANY movie is overrated -- no matter what the movie is. Virtually everyone I've ever talked to about this movie agrees that it's one of the greatest comedies ever made.

"Don't dream it, be it."


i could not agree more. it is clearly overrated. i could not wait for the movie to end.

there is a lot of classic romantic comedies that is more deserving of a spot in the Top 250 than this film. Sabrina, starring Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart, is one of them.

