Anyone know who the blonde actress is who played the wild girl?

Anyone know who the young blonde actress in braids is who played the young wild girl at the battle of St. Francis, whom the Rangers take with them against her will? She was not credited in the film, and Imdb's list of uncredited performers does not list her either.




Thanks! It's too bad she was uncredited. She was pretty lively in her scenes!




Just watched it on TV and was wondering the exact same thing. The reply has been deleted. Do you remember who it was?


Isabel Jewell. She also played Emmy Slattery in "Gone with the Wind," among other credits.


In the 2nd part of the book, Towne loses Elizabeth to Rogers. He marries the white captive girl.


No, he marries Ann Potter, who he first metts when she's a little girl. The white captive at St. Francis is Jennie Coit.


I stand corrected. But what happened to Jennie Coit?


In the book, it's Captain Ogden who's wounded and taken care of by Jennie on the march back from St. Francis, not Langdon Towne as depicted in the movie. During the march, Ogden falls madly in love with her. With Ogden recovering, Rogers sends the captive women on ahead to Crown Point with some Stockbridge Indian scouts. When they are finally reunited at Crown Point, Ogden discovers to his sorrow that she has taken up with one of the Stockbridge Indians and is going off with him. IIRC, that's the last we see or hear of her.


Shades of The Searchers with Jennie goin' injun.🐭
