Otto? (contains spoilers)

At the end after he found out about Freya's death, he says that Martin is free to think his own thoughts..'thank god' and then he walks around the house and remembers the party that we saw at the beginning of the film. at first it is slow but then the sounds of his footsteps quicken and he runs from the house. I took that to mean that he was running away from what Hitler's government has done to his life and has torn apart his family.

My thoughts and questions are concerning his running away, does it mean he is plainly in denial over what's happened or is he actually going to get out of Germany and abandon the party?

The only Abnormality is the incapacity to love


The same thoughts came to me..And with the fade out showing footprints in the snow, I wondered if one of the Brothers had seen what had happened to them and left. Two of them were having doubts..
Not much to go on I admit..

few visible scars
