MovieChat Forums > The Letter (1940) Discussion > 'If you love a person, you can forgive a...

'If you love a person, you can forgive anything'

If you notice, when the husband says that line to Leslie was the first time you see her real emotions, she looks like she came alive out of a deep robotic funk.

"If you love a person, you can forgive anything"

She became relieved and came alive, I think, because in her obsessed lovelorn mind she suddenly realized she could forgive her lover, she was actually the whole time still angry at her lover for deceiving her and "cheating" on her. When he said that, she suddenly forgave her dead lover and was relieved she could forgive him since she loved him. She then wanted to die, since she realized she could have forgiven her lover rather than killing him. Alternatively, after she forgave her dead lover in her mind, she went outside to talk to the Asian woman who she knew was there waiting for her, to tell her she was sorry for killing him, that she had "forgiven" him, and was desperately sorry. She must have thought that the apology was what the Asian woman really wanted long ago when she sold the letter.


I didn't see it that way. When I heard the line in the movie I thought it was kind of ironic and also silly. Her husband knows she cheated on him and intentionally killed her lover but he's fine with that and is supposedly so in love with her he is willing to overlook those things and can go on as if nothing happened? Really? Give me a break!

I can neither understand nor do I want to understand that kind of love. In fact, I don't consider it love at all. I think it's some sick thing that sick people confuse with love.

A lot of people throw around that word love but they have no idea what it is. Love, for them, is something ugly. For them it involves jealousy, possessiveness, vindictiveness, deceit, murder, etc. They don't really seem to like or even care for the object of their 'love' but they say they love the person and want to be with them.

The real problem is these people never learned to love themselves. Along with not treating other badly we also cannot be accepting of bad behavior from others towards ourselves. Anyone who does not get that concept has no business, in my opinion, using the word love.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]
