MovieChat Forums > Jud Süß (1941) Discussion > I watched a Doc ON this movie

I watched a Doc ON this movie

Streaming Netflix sure has some strange (Obscure) documentaries!

I watched a Doc the other day about this movie. Would have been nice to see more than a "Clip or two" of the original film.

I really hate it when a "Doc" literally force feeds the Opinion of the viewer down his or her throat! That is what the doc did nearly every second. (not to be confused with this film)

Zero idea about the film.. as I never saw it. Just bits and pieces.

Maybe everybody is scared about the power of "Film" on the viewing public. As this picture had a terrible effect on the German (European) Jews of their time. Permission to do horrible things. Bad stuff like that. (Propaganda 101 - Edward L. Bernays)

Just remember.. Jews are only 2.5 give or take Percent of the worlds religions.

If you had a HIGHER idea of their numbers? Consider yourself media brainwashed.


