Shocked by Bob's Death?!

In one of the comments, a person says that they were "shocked" by Bob Hope's death. Come on: it might have moved someone, or saddened someone, but SHOCKED!? The man had been quite ill for over a decade, and was going on 100 years old! How could anyone been shocked?

And as for his "talents," he had been tossing them down the drain for almost a half-a-century, with execrable TV "specials" that are only memorable for the manner in which they foreshadow Benny Hill's leering awfulness.

I was more "shocked" to hear he was still alive!



When some dork on the internet runs down a legend like Bob Hope does this dork actually think people think less of Bob Hope? Hint... no. The dork only looks more like a dork.


I agree withe the dork.


This from a person who goes around looking for "large breasted women" from Xavier Cugats's band. You agree with the dork? Probably because you *are* the dork.


Bob Hope was a legend- proven by the evidence that a century after his birth and still years after his death we still are talking about him. He was the premier comedian of the 1940s and maintained popularity well into his final days. You don't get that kind of fan base by being a flop. Perhaps, being a era of MTV teens and reality fans there are some that don't understand Bob Hope's humor or his great contribution to the USO but that really is a matter of knowing your pop culture. Whether you like him or not- you nameless anonymous fool who believes your opinion really matters- well, whether you believe he has a legacy or not is of little importance as his legacy lives on. As a matter of fact, his legacy lives on in my own living room as I introduce my son to his movies- and Hopefully, no pun on words, by showing my son this comedy genius at a young age he will grow up appreciating the icons of the past and not dismissing them out of sheerignorance.


Over a year since you posted it, but well said, Rachel!!

"I jumped off a roof for you"


That is because it takes one to know one.


Voted for Odumba didn't you?



Why does everything have to do with politics? Our political system is *beep* joke! The two party system is the reason why this country is going downhill. Obama sucks, but so did George W Bush.

I did not voted for anyone by the way! Voting is complete waste of my time. I have more important things to do than vote between the lesser of the two evils. *beep* politics and voting.
