A 4th serial planned? Why this was the last

Ming ties to escape then goes back. Footage could have been reworked as was always the case form chapter to chapter of cliffhangers. Why the last ?WW11 broke out shortly after.It was not good idea to show films whwre we are invaded by another civilization, by air no less,.whose ruler had an oriental name.He was made to look oriental in 1st serial where he was bald. .Space films were put on hold.


Along with ballet films.

Nothing exists more beautifully than nothing.


FGCTU was released in early 1940. At that exact moment, the "Winter War" between Russia and Finland was the main news story. Amazing thing, The badly outnumbered Finnish Ski troops simply mowed down the better equipped Russian armies, and embarrassed Joseph Stalin. The Russians finally forced Finland to concede to their demands. It's possible that what was going on over there might have had an psychological effect on the people that made this last FG serial...(Why do they show ski sleds during the credits?) A 4th Flash Gordon serial was not possible because Buster Crabbe signed a movie contract with PRC pictures and became Billy The Kid. Who can replace him?


Yes, Captain Torch even says that there is a way for Ming to escape. It is obvious that they planned a sequel or at least more chapters.

My thinking is that audiences were starting to get tired. How many different types of death rays can you destroy? People keep getting captured and then escape. Mongo certainly had the worst record for holding prisoners in the universe. The music was fine in the first serial, boring in the second, and irritating in the third.

There really should have been riots in the movie theater when the audience found out the Priscilla Lawson wasn't going to play Queen Aura.

I hope in the new television series her great grand daughter plays the role.

"the ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas" - K. Marx


Wrong "Captain." It was Captain Sudan who said something like, "There is only one other way of escape for them--but they will be too terrified to think of it."
