
I haven't watched it yet, but I see the IMDb lists the longest cut of the serial as 220 minutes. I just picked up the 100 Sci-Fi Movies pack from Mill Creek Entertainment and it has a version of Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe that runs 88 minutes. Did they cut it down to feature length at some point? Or is this only 1/3 of the serial? The box also lists it as "Purple Death From Outer Space" which I understand is the title of the first chapter but the actual disc calls it "Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe."


Long after the 12-chapter Serial was released, The owners of the films condensed them into two feature length movies, about 88 minutes in length. Today, both versions are now available on DVD. After the sudden popularity of the Batman TV show (1966), Republic Pictures did the same thing, chopping up their serials and making them movies.


Flash Gordon Conquers The Universe is (in its original form) 4 hours in length.
