Plot Hole [Spoiler]

When Andy attempts to deliver his letter, why didn't Betsy say "You know, my friend Daphne Fowler lives in the building around the corner!"


How is that a plot hole? Andy doesn't share any information with her. On the way there, Betsy promises to 'wait at the car and not follow him'. She even says she'll keep her eyes shut and has her driver do the same. As a result, she has no idea where Andy was going or why.

When he returns, he's disappointed and doesn't want to talk about it. She promised to not ask any questions and sticks with it. That said, even if she had been aware he was going to Daphne's building, I don't know why she would mention it. That's the tactic of a name-dropper.

When she does mention she knows Daphne it's for a reason; to help Andy. Had that information come up sooner, it would have changed the plot. If Andy knew Betsy was friends with Daphne before he learned his 'lesson', he might have used Betsy to get to Daphne. That would have been a completely different movie.


While your point is well taken, it seems we have both taken the movie a bit too seriously. Come and be my guest at the Sirroco Club, and I'll treat you to the Specialty of the House!


Sirroco Club, was that in the movie and I missed it? LOL Actually, I don't know how you mean that.

In regards to taking things too seriously, I get accused of that often. It's not that I'm always serious but if I'm going to devote my time to anything I'm going to take it seriously. I also prefer subtle humor which tends to be a more 'serious' type of humor than something like slapstick for instance.

That's probably why I've enjoyed all the movies I've seen in the Andy Hardy series. They're ridiculous, funny, and have a important messages but none of it is overdone and they manage to do it in lighthearted way.
