Does anybody know if this is availible on DVD anywhere?


Not yet.......The VHS edition is pretty good......very well done........you should check your local library...I just got it from there......it's a true classic..wonderful picture.....not being available on DVD is a crime.


This will be released on DVD in May as part of a Cecil B. DeMille collection with four other films (among them Sign of the Cross & Union Pacific).


Just to confirm, since the last reply is now over a year old, the "Cecil B DeMille Collection" DVD came out as predicted. Here, for example, is a link to the amazon.com page for it: www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000E8JO32/imdb-adbox/. The four films besides Union Pacific are Cleopatra (the Claudette Colbert version), The Crusades, Four Frightened People, and Sign of the Cross.


I ordered this from NetFlix having just finished "Nothing Like It In The World" by Stephen Ambrose. Now I realize I've seen at least part of this recently on TCM.

The fact that is has very little to do with actual history may not be a big deal to some people, but to me it's as if the greatest achievement of the 19th century cannot stand alone as the subject of an epic motion picture, in the opinion of De Mille. But then again, maybe that's just the function of the movie industry in 1939: People went to "the show" not to see famous people portrayed but to see their favorite actors portray famous people. I was only born 13 years after this movie was made but to think that at the time, the movie theatre was the sole source of what we now take for granted as video display, and as such it was the only medium available to be visually entertained.

No wonder documentaries of the time are so dear...school was for increasing knowledge, movies were for escape and entertainment.

