Fun but Silly

at the same time. It must have been a try at imitating American high flying silliness of the pre-war years. An almost proto-scifi serious/comedic splash down. We all know that when planes crash in the sea they are never wrecked and perhaps the funniest part, for me anyway, was seeing Olivier as an action hero. Also, its never mentioned the villians are German except with a nod to a freighter named the "Viking".

Let it be unsaid: insignificance is the locus of true increpation.


Sounds like much fun. I'll have to find it somewhere somehow someday.



You can find it on YouTube in ten parts. You'll see that it's called "Q Planes", which I believe was the original British title, "Clouds Over Europe" being its American release title.

(or you can wait until it comes on TCM again...)


Thank for the link and the suggestion, Eric-1226. I'll check it out.


Mister, Mister, did U ever look it up?

A hydrocephalic takes pleasure in milking his cranial harp.


Only saw the start of it (Harry Stradling was the cinematogapher. I had met his son, Harry, Jr., also a DP, in the 80's).

It surely cuts to the chase, jumps right into the action.

Maybe an updated version is in order: nd-stations/?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl13%7Csec1_lnk3%7C1 02660


Only seeing the start of it is in keeping with the way U watch most everything.

A hydrocephalic takes pleasure in milking his cranial harp.


It's the closest thing to life.

I must say, I was impressed with Mt. Olivier's comic performance. He brought to my mind Roland Young!


Zoot Horn Rollo would agree if he could find his blimp.

A hydrocephalic takes pleasure in milking his cranial harp.


Mr. Rollo always had to be first.


Shouldn't we all be so casual?

A hydrocephalic takes pleasure in milking his cranial harp.


If cool was common it would cease being cool. As it is, cool is cool, Daddy-o.


I assume everyone knows that its exists on DVD as "Q Planes." I got it last week, haven't watched it yet.
"We're fighting for this woman's honor, which is more than she ever did."
