Doctor and Dora

Do you think the Doctor Lanskell and Dora the maid knew the truth? But they decided to keep their mouths shut?

I thought the doctor knew for sure until he made the comment to Delia about having to deal with a bitter person for so many years.

I think Dora knew for sure but decided to keep her job instead of saying anything.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


The doctor definitely knew, and Dora definitely didn't. The film makes both of those clear.


The doctor makes it clear that he does know in his private conversations with Charlotte, remember when she says to him she sees Clem's impulsive streak in Tina and he acknowledges this as well? He certainly knows.

I think Dora would have picked up on it after all those years, she was with Charlotte and Tina from day one and she knew Tina wasn't a particularly loving child for Charlotte to be so devoted to her (she never was, if you recall in the early orphanage scenes, she shows more affection to the visiting Delia than to Charlotte who has always been there for her.) Dora, however, was a maid/servant, she certainly was never in a position to discuss this with anyone and certainly would have never taken the liberty to allude to what she suspected or knew with any of the family.

Your comment about the doctor and Delia's conservation about her turning Charlotte into a bitter old maid is interesting because in this conversation the doctor alludes to an earlier conservation all those years ago when he advised Delia not to mess with someone's life like she (Delia) was planning to do in telling the fiancee. Was that scene cut from the movie? I don't remember it.


Your comment about the doctor and Delia's conservation about her turning Charlotte into a bitter old maid is interesting because in this conversation the doctor alludes to an earlier conservation all those years ago when he advised Delia not to mess with someone's life like she (Delia) was planning to do in telling the fiancee. Was that scene cut from the movie? I don't remember it.

Sorry Harlowgold, so much time has passed since I saw the movie, I don't remember.

Happy Holidays.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


Another reply all these years later!

"the doctor alludes to an earlier conservation all those years ago when he advised Delia not to mess with someone's life like she (Delia) was planning to do in telling the fiancee. Was that scene cut from the movie? I don't remember it."

I too thought that comment was rather odd, given that it describes something that wasn't in the film. I'm assuming this happened in a scene that was trimmed from the picture before it was released.
