MovieChat Forums > Old Glory (1939) Discussion > DVD Version *NOT* Edited

DVD Version *NOT* Edited

The version of the pledge represented in this cartoon is entirely accurate to the time the cartoon was created. The quote from Abraham Lincoln is also accurate. Granted, Lincoln used the words "under god," as quoted in this cartoon. But he was NOT reciting the pledge - I believe the passage quoted was from his Gettysburg Address. The Pledge of Allegiance was not created until well after Lincoln's death. It was written in an effort to promote national unity after the horribly devisive civil war - thus the words "one nation, indivisible".

This cartoon was created in 1939, a full fifteen years before "under God" was inserted into the pledge. As the Wikipedia article on the Pledge of Allegeance notes (see, "In 1954, after a campaign initiated by the Roman Catholic Knights of Columbus, Senator Homer Ferguson of Michigan sponsored a bill to amend the pledge to include the words under God, to distinguish the U.S. from the officially atheist Soviet Union."

What I find very interesting is how modern proponents of "under God" paint it as somehow unpatriotic to want to remove it. Judging by the sentiments of this cartoon, the feelings surrounding the pledge in 1939 were plenty patriotic with no mention of god in the pledge whatsoever.
