I'd DO Ted!

His sinewy bod wis displayed nicely in tank top and boxers--and looked like it had improved significantly since the previous year in (in bxing trunk) Nancy Drew--Reporter.

Had I been in Nancy's shoes, I'd have scandalized the entire Drew family!!

...and now, The I'd Do Him Dancers!


What an idiotic observation. And perverse. He's a minor.

Great scripts + great actors = great film making.


I sure wouldn't. He's a kid. I like guys to be much, much older...like Nancy's father, for instance.

💕 JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen 👍


Carson Drew isn't that old in the books, maybe early forties. His age is never actually given, but since Nancy is a high-schooler, it's most likely in that range, unless he was a very late starter--and nothing in the novels gives us any reason to think this.
