Why do all film versions...

of this book have him going off to war? What was wrong with the original idea of him getting jungle fever and dying from that, added to by the guilt for thinking he had betrayed his friend?

LMC xxx

Just hand over the chocolate and no one will get hurt.


maybe because they don't want the dad to actually die, because modern audience wouldn't like it. But I do agree, I want a version like that. I'd swear as a child I saw one on TV that was very close to the book but have never been able to find it again to see if I remember correctly.



This may be the one you are thinking of.


yes, it may be, I've looked at it before. But sense I can get it on neither DVD nor even VHS I have no way of confirming it. Which saddens me


I think you have to take into context the era in which the film was made. Miss Temple was huge box office, giving people a chance to escape everyday life during the depression. It's a bit hard for us to believe in the 21st century that a child actor could have this much power, but her positivity and charm gave people hope. By having the father die, as in the book, would not fit what the studio was banking on, not only for revenue but for the perceived hope and happiness that shined from her parts. "Hope" was a huge commodity during this era. Just look at movies from the same year with a similar message; Gone With the Wind, The Wizard of Oz, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, etc. I've gone on too long, but I always try to watch a movie with the mindset of the era it was made in. I do agree with you though that there are a lot of movies that never live up to what imagination you get from the original story read in a book.


"Miss Temple was huge box office, giving people a chance to escape everyday life during the depression."

Agree, it must have been wonderful in that regard!!!! Had a bit of doubt about the Boer War being brought up perhaps, but unsure what they could have substituted for it....

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i read the book several times many years ago. while the movie is very entertaining, the book is much better.
