Production Code allows justice

When Quasimodo started pushing the blocks off of the roof and onto the crowd, many people were undoubtedly killed. Even though he did it to protect Esmeralda, I assumed that he would die at the end since the Code didn't permit anyone to get away with murder. Fortunately, that was not the case.

"Why do you find it so hard to believe?"
"Why do you find it so easy?"
"It's never BEEN easy!"


When Quasimodo started pushing the blocks off of the roof and onto the crowd, many people were undoubtedly killed. Even though he did it to protect Esmeralda, I assumed that he would die at the end since the Code didn't permit anyone to get away with murder. Fortunately, that was not the case.

Theoretically he was stopping the 'bad guys' from breaking into the church....something that must have warmed the cockles of Joe Breen's puritanical little heart.
Actually, in the book...well it has a different ending.



"Fortunately"? It's a travesty of the book, in which most of the main characters die! The Production Code gutted it horribly.

Seingner Conrat, tot per vostr'amor chan


Disagree. While a straight adaptation would be nice, on its own terms this is still a masterpiece. Some people have described it as a 'happy' ending but I definately disagree. The final moments and final line of the film are both tragic and haunting. As for Esmerelda, she lost her beloved Phoebus and though she might eventually grow to love Gringoire I personally don't believe that she does so at the end of the film. Her love for him is true (she's a very loving compassionate character) but probably not romantic. It is a bleak film throughout with a very sad ending, even if not all the characters got offed.
