On TCM, July 1st at 8:00pm EDT

Never get tired of this classic movie. Laughton and O'Hara et al. Great acting, great sets, great action, great finale.

I always choke up at the final line, as Quasimodo looks down from Notre Dame as Esmeralda leaves with Gringoire:

Why was I not made of stone - like thee!


It has the ability to stop me in my tracks for my rapt attention. Charles Laughton's portrayal tracends and his make up is seemless. However, I believe I might be over cooking dinner.


I saw this last night after not seeing it for a long, long time. It was better than I remembered, especially Laughton (obviously) and an excellent and quite beautiful Maureen O'Hara, one of the most beautiful women of the 20th Century (and still alive today). I would give it a ten except that, as is still the case!, some of the supporting cast overacted. Davenport in particular strikes an odd note - no doubt his defenders would say as intended, but imo he doesn;t work. Some others also did not live up to Laughton and O'Hara's high standard.

But still a great film, and I also found the sets rather effective despite their obviously being sets. This is after all a fantasy, and works as such. Great film.


Just watched this for the first time. LOOOOOOOOOOOVE it!!!
Thank you to TCM for being so amazing and showing us these movies!!
