It's common knowledge that, in the novel, the hound was eventually killed.

Yet, the movie is vague about that. Holmes and Watson shoot at him as he's attacking Sir Henry, and scare him away. Holmes fires another shot, but nothing is indicated; as Holmes searches the moors with his torch, the audience never sees the hound's carcass, so maybe (on film) Holmes' shot missed.

Later, there was a reference that the beast was killed, but that could have been a ploy to entrap the real criminal--Jack Stapleton!

As an animal lover, I like to think that, in the movie, the hound escaped and lived out his life as a wild animal.

And, IMHO, if anyone deserved to have been shot to death, it's Stapleton! Pity the movie never showed that.


Holmes does find the body of the hound on the moor when he's using his lantern. The animal is clearly dead.


Oh, *beep* LOL
Thank you, Readerman.


You really should have added ***SPOILER ALERT**** to this post.


I kinda think that anyone who'd click on a topic called "THE HOUND HIMSELF" but doesn't want the story spoiled for them at all...deserves for it to be. >_>
Then again, adding a little 'spoiler alert' warning never hurts.


I agree with your first statement, moderndaydelilah.

BTW, I've encountered a couple of "Hounds of the Baskervilles" in my neighborhood--bull mastiffs who are as gentle giants as you could ever meet.
Not overly demonstrative (they were too busy sniffing around), nevertheless, they have no objections to my petting them.
Their masters are impressed when I likened them to Conan Doyle's hound.


How wonderful! Got to love huge, calm, sweet dogs like those. (One of mine is actually half Mastiff...or so I suspect.)


Believe it or not, some of the friendliest, kissingest dogs I've ever met were pit bulls! ;-)


Oh, I can definitely believe it! I sure don't believe in stereotyping breeds one way or another, and have no prejudices toward Pitties. :3


I LOVE animals.
People--well, that's another story! LOL


Oh, I feel ya!! Couldn't agree more...


Thank you, BFF!


Ha ha, aw, don't mention it! =)


Was the hound a Bull Mastiff ???? I always thought differently !
