Message of the Movie

Wow, the message of the movie (capitalism bad) hits one over the head with a sledgehammer. Other than that, it was a pleasant movie. My favorite character was the wife played by Verree Teasdale. She was delightful along with Walter Connelly.


I couldn't decide if they were giving a nod to Marxism, taking a poke at it...or both. The scene where the Marxist chauffeur said that if all wealth was evenly distributed, everyone would have $537 dollars*, and the cook said she didn't like that idea because she had $2,300 in the bank. That was funny.
(* I don't remember the actual number)


I'm watching it now, and you're pretty spot in with the figures!

I don't act...I react. John Wayne


It is hard for me to believe that someone would take that away as the "message" of this sweet movie. The only true Marxist, the chauffeur, ended up running his own business, which is a rather pro-capitalist plot point.

Which would be worse, to live as a monster or to die as a good man?
