MovieChat Forums > Dark Victory (1939) Discussion > Dr. Steele never having a drink?

Dr. Steele never having a drink?

Was there a reason for this? He always says no, says "I will someday", and then at Alec's apartment, Alec says, "Do you want another drink?"

Anyone have any ideas? Was there a book in which it explains it? Thanks!


It seemed to give him a bit of contrasting authority against Bette in that he was always sober and cool-headed, while she was always impulsive and tipsy. Now that you mention it, maybe that's why the ending is especially touching, she becomes the sober wise one, and he becomes the innocent child. Hooray, she has matured!

The closest movies to my heart:


Wow, thank you. I didn't think anyone would ever answer me! Great answer!


Hahaha, yeah, two years and about 4 months is a pretty long time to wait for an answer. But in the end, I'm confident every question will be answered. ;-) Thanks for giving my mind a cool reason to work!

The closest movies to my heart:


I have another answer; as a brain surgeon; or someone researching brains; he might have gotten stuck on the fact that alcohol damages brain cells; I forget how many or if those facts have been refuted, or updated; but I do remember reading that alcohol---i'm going to research this, i'll be right back; okay, first link:


Just as I dimly remembered; back in the day it was widely promoted that a drink killed a million brain cells or some urban legend like that. So it would make sense for a man who 'knew' how valuable the brain was not to abuse his.

However, in my time (49 years) I have sadly lost some friends to chronic alcoholism, and I can assure you, they had suffered noticeable, heartbreaking brain damage long before they died.

Others were lucid to the end but died in...a lot of pain.

So...I say let some brain cells go to heaven but enjoy good spirits in good spirits with good company, in moderation.

Not that anyone asked for my opinion...;)
