
I was watching it the other day and i saw that reagan was in it. He would have been really young. Does anyone know what character he played?
Thank you.

Thought is real. Physical is the illusion-What dreams may come


i was wondering the same thing...that's interesting....they should try and get bush in a movie!


Bush can't act to save his life

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


I'm not so sure. Bush pretended to be a Republican and fooled enough voters to get elected twice..... Historians 50 years from now will write that the end of America, brought forth by Obama and his cronies, began with Bush and his insane invasion of Iraq. The GOP went from a solid majority in the House and Senate just 5 years ago to where we are now. The only reason was the public's frustration with the Iraq disaster. I don't care how many people say "liberating" Iraq was the right thing to do, it was NOT worth destroying our country. Bush will forever be villified and rightfully so.

Remember When Movies Didn't Have To Be Politically Correct?


Dissatisfaction with our actions in Iraq was definitely NOT "the only reason". The Bush administration and the so-called Neocons came closer to destroying the constitution of these united states than any other president or party in our history. Unfortunately they'll never get what they deserve. As to Obama, six months is not time enough to pass judgment on his administration or his presidency. People who are willing to do so are already against him no matter what he does or plans to do.

Reagan plays a young man who loves Judith but realizes she doesn't return the feeling. He's handsome and charming, just what the role called for.

"The value of an idea has nothing to do with the honesty of the man expressing it."--Oscar Wilde



i am here for bette davis, as she is my favorite classic film actress, but i had to say bravo! to your comment. i couldn't agree more. you summed up our screwed government up to the T. i put the left in the middle of my political meter. & the right...well, they are wrong in every single unevolved way.


Bush will not be 'forever villified', if anything it will be obama who will be villified even though it's not his fault, really, he is a narcissistic potsmoking homosexual who decades ago gave over control of his life to George Soros and others if that ilk... one wonders why obama's male lover was murdered, and who ordered it. But regardless of what you think about President Bush, he LOVES America, and Obama does not. It is strange how you think we shouldn't have gone to war and you don't even know the reasons why. Do you think the govt shares all the facts with the citizenry?? If they did, most ordinary citizens would run screaming for cover. Regardless of what you think, there WERE WMD in Iraq... chemical weapons. Back in the 80s I worked on the JACADS project in the South Pacific destroying chem weapons on Johnston Atoll... I never lost touch with the other engineers working there nor with the Army leaders on that Island... if you had any idea of the power of chemical weapons in the 80s, you'd be as freaked out and maybe would finally capitulate to fatalism as I did over time... knowing what I knew then I cannot even begin to let my mind roam over today's chem weapons, if I did I would never leave my house.
Don't blame BUSH... yes, he shouldn't have dinked with the constitution, but if you don't think that evil people like Soros weren't waiting on the sidelines for just such fear driven dinking to occur, you'd be wrong. All you have to do is consider what's going on in the world today, with so many jealous countries (third world ones mostly) hoping that the USA will 'fall' and publicly derisive towards our great country.

Life is a journey not a destination. Fear nothing.


Dear angry old white guy,

Winning is the best revenge. Obama is once again our President and you no doubt are living happily in Canada -- or in jail, with Ted Nugent. Happy days!



You need to get back on your meds, because you are completely *beep* insane, and nothing you said is true or made any damn sense at all.


As an actor, I liked Ronald Reagan. He was handsome and did a pretty good job with the roles he was given. As President, well... my feeling about Presidents is that no matter what any President does 50% of the people will like it and the other 50% will not!
It's just that kind of a job. That's what ages them so badly!
"Irwin, we're gonna' have to kill him"!


As an actor Reagan was a BUM and as President he was a bigger one!!!


Dear Bush-Hater:

Reagan was in this movie forty years before he won the Presidency.


Wow, just from suggesting Bush be put in a movie you deduce Prince Khaalid is a "Bush hater". That's rather defensive, isn't it--to see attack in mere mention?

"The value of an idea has nothing to do with the honesty of the man expressing it."--Oscar Wilde


this movie has nothing to do with politics, nor did the original post. so why do you mental midgets have to throw in your stupid political comments? keep them to yourselves and keep to the point.


He's Alec - kind of a boyfriend of Bette's. I get the feeling that he had more lines/scenes that were cut, since he shows up and makes references to a relationship, but nothing is shown and he and Bette have very little personal interaction.

He is in several scenes - the parties and a scene with the doctor before it shows Bette & Doc married in Vermont. Reagan seems to have a glass in his hand in every scene. I think he's also the one who says something about her disposition being better after surgery.


Back in the pre-Home Video days we had to wait for TV broadcasts of films such as DARK VICTORY, and of course during Reagan's presidential campaigns any films he appeared in were put on hiatus until after the election - I well remember that after one of them an ad heralded a forthcoming telecast of "Ronald Reagan and Bette Davis in DARK VICTORY"! Yeah, sure.

"I don't use a pen: I write with a goose quill dipped in venom!"---W. Lydecker


I'm gonna say it: He was hot.

<3 Grant&Hepburn


Reagan IS hot... Reagan is burning in Hell as we speak for his crimes in Central America if nothing else

See you in Hell, Brother!

3 Mysteries of Man: #1)Time/Space continuum #2)Who shot JFK? #3)Adam Sandlers career


There's no denying that Reagan was sexy in his acting days.


Reagan's a big goober in this movie. He kind of reminds me of Christian Slater when he first started out. Someone who couldn't relax and get into the role because he was so busy "acting".

I could see why Reagan was cast though. Tall, athletic, generic good looks, no particularly charismatic, so there's no risk in upstaging the stars.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


The stars including bette always called him "little ronnie reagan, not bc of his size but bc of his acting talent"


This is Reagan's finest role, a drunk. I don't think he resurrected this role to replay while President, as he did with so many others, like Walter Johnson ("I played baseball!", sure ya did, Ronnie). He played the President of the US of A for eight long years! So did Bush. In fact, Bushie didn't even have to act the part of a drunk! I'm sorry, I have to disagree with you. Second to his role as President, this is Ronnie's finest hour.



The Alec character in the original 1934 flopped stage play was gay. This, of course, was verbotin according to the Production Code rulings. So the sexual confusion was deleted in the best male friend role.


Wasn't the Alec character in this film supposed to be a former boyfriend? I thought I picked up on that? At one point I thought he said to the Dr. Steele that Steele had kind of beaten him out? something to that effect? I need to watch it again.

Anyway, it was not a great role, but I have to say that Reagan surprised me, he was pretty convincing. I thought that he played the drunk really well - not as a totally sloshed caricature of a drunk, like, say, Dean Martin, but like a real man who had had too much to drink. I'm thinking of that scene where the chanteuse is singing that "Give Me Time..." song and he and Judith are at the bar, tossing down a lot of drinks. Reagan was actually convincing in that scene.

It's unfortunate that people have to instantly resort to slinging mud and epithets whenever there is an opportunity to mention a politician or the slightest implications of politics is present. I was not a fan Reagan's when he was in the White House and has certainly never impressed me as an actor. Boy! was he stiff as log in This Is The Army, but in Dark Victory he came across as believable, at least he did to me.


could the OP not look at the cast list?


You were watching it and didn't see him? Hm.....

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...
