Horrible Rear Screen

RID-icu-lous rear screen less than 5 minutes in. The houses they pass in the car are scaled all wrong, the camera footage is shaky as hell, so the scene is like a hallucination.


Try to deal with it. The picture is seventy years old.


I know, I know, I go through the same thing every time I watch that walking scene in Gaslight. You have to bear with them and just focus on the good acting.

I'm all right, I'm alllll right!


The picture was shot in 1939. It was the technology of the day.


You may not believe it, but years ago, people watched movies to watch the movie, the story and the actors, NOT CONSTANTLY LOOK FOR GOOFS AND MISTAKES.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


Well, and while we're at it, the riding double used for Davis was rather obvious, but I don't think 1939 audiences expected perfection.

"Forget it, Jake. It's the internet."
