'Dancing Co-ed' 1939

A movie which displays good dancing,music and the atmosphere of that era.A keeper if I may say so.I smoked it on DVD and it turned out like a charm,in which it was: in character and romance.


This was really good. The humor wasn't as dated as many from this period. The music was great and Lana was terrific. I'm surprised she never got paired with Astaire with her dancing ability and looks. Great support from the rest of the cast but unlike Lana, Carlson had too much make up.


It was a nice little movie and I enjoyed seeing Lana in it. I hadn't realized she was a dancer but, then again, many of the young actors at the time had a few different talents. Ironically Lana did her own dancing but the winner, Ann, did not. It was pretty obvious her dance sequences were edited. Ann is seen in the close ups focused on her face and upper body but another dancer with longer, looser hair is seen in the long shots.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]
