MovieChat Forums > Another Thin Man (1939) Discussion > What's your favorite line?

What's your favorite line?

Mine would either be,

"What's the idea of the kid?"

"Well, ya see we had a dog... and he was lonely. That was the idea, wasn't it Mommy?"


"I saw all these men around here and I knew there was only one woman in the world who could attract that many... a rich woman."

There's only one Nick & Nora and they have an infinite liquor cabinet not a playlist.


Yes, those were good. I also like the exchange between Guild and Nick in Linda Mills apartment when Guild thinks Nick is two timing Nora and offers to help Nick out by offering to take Nora out sometime. Priceless.

I also like when Nora picks the Colonels pocket for the key to the liquor cabinet and tells Nick, "I'm not married to you for nothin' ya know."

"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."


"Oh we had a lovely trip - Nick was sober in Kansas City!"
(Nora because she was a little anoyed with him)

"I am like Cryptonite for men. Cryptonite dipped in cellulite."
