Phantom Corsair

I only saw it for the car, but it was a fun movie.. It was great to see the "flying wombat" strut its stuff when it was brand new.

Nitpicking, I know, but I wished they showed its real dashboard instead of a different studio mockup.


I love this car. I hear it is now in Las Vegas, but when I went to the museum there, last july (2009), I didn't see it. Perhaps it is in a private collection. I wonder what the tune was, that the horn played.


The car horn plays The Ride of The Valkyres by Wagner


The car horn plays The Ride of The Valkyres by Wagner


I knew of this car, but wasn't aware it was in a movie. There's a clip on you tube.


This fabulous car is in the car museum (The National Auto Museum) in Reno.


My Mom called me into the room to see, but I missed it. I'm guessing "The Flying Wombat" is Heintz's & Schwartz's 1938 "Phantom Corsair"?


Yes it's the Corsair. If you didn't catch the movie TCM is currently offering it on demand. Unfortunately it's only for another day but they do show it from time to time.


Just watched this movie on YT. Like the OP said, it was a fun movie and the cast went well together. But the car was excellect, reminded me of those cars of the future books they used to print.


Books and movies are usually better than real life.




I only saw it for the car, but it was a fun movie.. It was great to see the "flying wombat" strut its stuff when it was brand new.

It was such a beautiful car. So ahead of its time. I love it.
