what a great movie!

Saw it 3 times in the last 2 weeks. Where has it been keeping itself? Jean Arthur and Lionel Barrymore are tops, really tops. And Jimmy Stewart aint bad either. And neither's his old man... plays the old Capitalist just the right way. Even the black help come across as happy real people. The theme of free-spirit and family are just the tonic I need, how 'bout you?


That's the kind of movie I'm always looking for, free thinking people starring. I don't know where it's been keeping itself either and I don't know why it isn't RIGHT UP THERE in popularity with Mr. Deeds goes to Town and It Happened One Night, and It's a Wonderful Life? More people need to see this movie.


This is a great picture! I love it! It always seems to make me happy.

"I wish I had a million dollars...HOT DOG!" - George Bailey


I saw it for the first time, last year, and I loved it. I'm glad it won Best Picture, that year. I rate it 10/10.

Volker Flenske: (While torturing David) I don't know why you're doing this to yourself!
