The two women fighting

The fight scene at the party - between Ginger and Frances Mercer - is absolutely Hilarious !

Ginger would slap Frances - then say "Shhhhh" - then slap her again.

Nice headlock too !


I love when she fixes her dress and claps.
"Alright, put 'em up."

Hahahaha! Ginger Rogers was wonderful!!

That's it! I'm a Phelps phan!


I don't know I love Beulah Bondi dancing, perhaps even more. I do love this movie, but seems it isn't very well known....

"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five."


Praise Allah thought I was hearing things when they were singing this song!


The way that Ginger laughs when Peter (James Stewart) and his father walk outside and see them in a headlock is priceless. I loved Ginger in the dance movies, but her laugh just pushed me over edge.

Gabriel Krichinsky when he arrives late for the family Thanksgiving dinner: Vy didja cud da TOIKEY?



Hera G89, I love that scene, too.

Texas Houston Guy, I agree!




I still remember that scene. Hilarious!
