Swingin' the Alphabet lyrics

... if you may.

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


B-a bay, b-e bee, b-i, bicky bye, b-o bo bicky bye bo, b-u boo bicky bye bo boo.

Continue with all other consonants.


Yeah, it seems pretty simple now that I think about it, but I forgot to delete my message. Don't forget:

Ke-oh ko kicky ki-ko ke-u--
Curly's a dope!

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


Actually he was singing with the letter L, but that part's still hilarious. :)


Really? For some reason I remember him singing K. Didn't he sing K and L consecutively? That may've been what confused me. Anyway, uh, yeah..

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


Yes, he did sing both K and L, but L was the letter he was singing when the students said "Curly's a dope".


I can't wait for some obscure band to turn this song into a heavy metal rock and roll version!

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


Wow...that would seriously be something else!


Rush, maybe? They Might be Giants?

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


Or Sum 41. Or Taking Back Sunday.


Come on, you must have other ideas.


I just posted this elsewhere (tv "King of the Hill" board), but perhaps it belongs here. Nyuk!

<<" Bee Aye Bay. Bee Eee Bee, Bee Eye Bicky Bye, Bee Oh Bo, Bicky Bye Bo, Bee You Boo Bicky Bye Bo Boo" and then it continues with the next constanent. I believe the entire episode is a 3 Stooges homage.>>

Hey, great!

Here's a computer program to print out the entire lyrics to the song. It's shorter than really listing them! Basic:

Lyric$ = "*ee Aye *ay. *ee Eee *ee, *ee Eye *icky *ye, *ee Oh *o, For i = 65 To 90
Letter$ = Chr$(i)
If InStr("AEIOU", Letter$) = 0 Then
Print Replace$(Lyric$, "*", Letter$)
End If
Next i

If your version of Basic dosn't have the "Replace" function, you'd best program it yourself. Otherwise you'd have to resort to using, between the If and EndIf: a line -- many lines -- like:

Print Letter$; "ay. "; Letter$; "ee Eee "; Letter$ Print Letter$; "ee Eye "; Letter$; "icky "; Letter Print Letter$; "o, "; Letter$; "ee You "; Letter$;

Readers may want to offer versions in other computer languages. I can do Fortran . . . or Cobol, Pascal, and maybe C if pressed.

Re Four Stooges: As we all know, there really *were* Four Stooges ... or six if you want to count Joe and Curly Joe. In fact, the retired (for illness) Curly actually made cameo apperances in a couple of the Shemp films.


I'd love to see Alice Cooper put out his own version of this song.
