John Garfield

JG has a one scene small speaking roll on the fishing boat in the third minute of the film No credit and no mention in the credits
See it free here:


I am sorry but you are mistaken while I understand your confusion the actor you are referring to DOES look and sound a bit like John Garfield it is actually Edmund MacDonald. Edmund MacDonald is playing Chris Nelson, Joaquin Shannon's future brother-in-law. Please watch again and take special note of the dialogue.

Here are some photos of Edmund MacDonald:; amp;oq=&rlz=1T4GWYE_enUS294US295&q=Edmund+MacDonald&biw=14 18&bih=856&sei=vprjT9qNEYHC6AHa-JEH&tbm=isch

I hope this clears it up. By the way, how did you like the film?


Thanks for the correction. The url you give showing photos of MacDonald who is a spitting image of Garfield, and the movie's credits back you up. I looked at the film again and still would swear before a court of law that it was Garfield. That's why law enforcement knows that eye witnesses to identity many times are incorrect. The film was good. Thanks again Matt


Glad to help. I too was caught off guard and thought I was watching John Garfield. So much so that I had to stop watching and check the credits, thinking if John Garfield was in this film why wasn't his name in the opening credits even if it was early in his film career. That was when I learned of Edmund MacDonald; not someone who was around a long time - he died at 43 years old but he made almost 50 pictures in his short 10 year career. IMDb doesn't have cause of death and I couldn't find out elsewhere. It's a shame he wasn't better known for his own work instead of being confused with John Garfield. But that is at least something otherwise his name would likely be lost forever.
