through the woods

I think the scene where they ride in an open carriage through the woods is brilliant! I remember seeing it on TV some years ago and then saw it again at a film show given by a friend and remember it so well.

Every sound finds its way into the waltz he eventually writes.It has a very dreamy quality about it, and to appreciate the early morning I feel you do have to stay up all night to see the dawn break and it getting lighter. They of course slept through it!

"It's six o'clock in the morning and you have the whole day ahead of you!"
I hope Rosie got an extra helping of oats for breakfast.

The waltz he went on to compose was of course "Tales From the Vienna Woods"

Can I get this film on DVD?




Amazon has used and new copies from their dealers, not the Amazon itself. You can get copies at ebay stores mainly from Hong Kong dealers. I've used them for a few and they were ok.


The movie is really great. Specially the scene in the vienna woods. It look mystic.

Incredible. Luise Rainer did a great performance. Miliza Korjus is wonderful too. Her singing - voice is amazing.

Also I love the camera-work. Specially the dance scenes are great.

I don't know why MGM dosn't bring out the movie on a offical DVD release. He must come out. Restored in sound and picture.

About the the russian DVD:I bought the dvd on amazon. It's a russian release with english soundtrack. It's not the best quality but better than nothing on DVD. It has few defects in sound and picture. But good enough for watching it.


I was surprised to see the big camp site by the side of the road. A family literally pulled off, beside the road and said, "Hey, this looks like a good place to live." and set up a home.

That seems so bizarre.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


i agree. this scene is brilliant! i'm sitting here watching it with two 13 year old's and they agree also. brilliant cinematic insight into the inspirations that led to the creation of a masterpiece of music.

"just what the truth is, i can't say anymore..."


to mister moody blues...

the scene is brilliant, but the editing, well, the editing.


The "Tales from the Vienna Woods" scene is the most famous and celebrated scene in the movie and beautifully done, but personally I was most impressed with the stunning scene as Strauss is inspired to compose "The Blue Danube". The editing and cinematography thoroughout the film are amazing but here it's absolutely extraordinary, almost as much a piece of art as a Strauss composition.

This movie airs on TCM every other year or so, so anyone seeking it shouldn't have that long a wait.
