Reagan and Wyman

This was the movie where Ronald Reagan and Jane Wyman fell in love.


Jane Wyman is incredibly cute with those glasses.

The way I see it, is that we weren't retreating, we were just attacking in a new direction.


wbrainard says > This was the movie where Ronald Reagan and Jane Wyman fell in love.
I first heard about BR while researching Ronald Reagan. I was anxious to see the movie expressly because I'd read he met his first wife, Jane Wyman, while making it. Their chemistry onscreen was obvious so I'm not surprised they ended up together and got married a couple years later.

What I was surprised to learn was that the future Reagans' carried out their romance publicly. Apparently, the studio even capitalized on the budding romance when marketing the movie. Posters promoting the movie featured them prominently even though they weren't initially the stars of the movie.

This wasn't necessarily unusual for the studios but in this case Wyman was already married to someone else; her second husband. Given the mindset at that time and the laws governing divorce, I can't believe no one was worried about a scandal. From what I hear the studios feared scandals and often punished their biggest stars for carrying on affairs while one or both parties were married.

Reagan and Wyman were up and coming actors but could hardly be considered stars at that point. Why would their romance be encouraged, even supported? Even if we assume Wyman was separated from her husband at the time (there's no indication of that), her divorce was not final until two months after the movie's release.

I keep thinking I have a good feel for what life was like back then then something like this comes along to remind me that I really don't get it at all.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]
