omg black face...

i was totally shocked when i saw the black face... didnt think they would air something like that now a days


Then there would a A LOT of old movies that would shock you, since the minstrel show black-face entertainers were considered not only acceptable but there was a great deal of nostalgia in audiences hearts for this entertainment form back in the early decades of films. Even stars like Judy Garland did it in a movie of two. None of that shocks me now, because I've seen so many instances of it.


It is a ridiculous and by the way, fascist idea that a movie ought to be banned because it has some element to it that is now judged politically improper. If we are to engage in this sort of over the top PC sensitivity, it must be administered equally and many great films and other cultural art and historical fact would have to be censored. So get over it.


Disney's Song of the South from the mid 1940s is an example of a film that is more or less banned due to it's racial depictions. I think it's really a self imposed ban by Disney who are obviously ashamed of it depsite it being a product of it's time and being one of the few films that has real black actors in it. Strangely enough it also has some instances of the best animation/live action mixes ever commited to celluloid by Disney and was 20 years before Mary Poppins. It certainly was technically very sophisticated and beautifully drawn. But i guess it was a different world and different sensibilities back then.


Been to any book burnings recently? I like how it's "cringe-inducing" for everyone to see whites in blackface even though it was 65 years ago, yet nobody bats an eye when the Wayans brothers do whiteface in White Chicks less than a decade ago. And White Chicks is a movie that no one should air on any day.


>> Been to any book burnings recently? I like how it's "cringe-inducing" for everyone to see whites in blackface even though it was 65 years ago, yet nobody bats an eye when the Wayans brothers do whiteface in White Chicks less than a decade ago. And White Chicks is a movie that no one should air on any day. <<


So right.
