MovieChat Forums > Stand-In (1937) Discussion > On-location filming in LA - anybody know...

On-location filming in LA - anybody know?

I love golden oldies, and especially the rare golden oldie that has some on-location shots rather than doing everything on the studio's back lot. About 11 minutes into "Stand-In", the sheltered Atterbury Dodd (Leslie Howard) is being driven through (presumably) downtown Hollywood, spotting one restaurant after another that looks like anything but a restaurant. He sees a bowler hat, a windmill, a top hat, the head of the Sphynx, an airplane with its propellers running, and the head of a Disney-type puppy. These buildings, and the streets he's being driven through, look like they might actually be the real buildings and streets of 1930s Los Angeles. For that matter, later shots in the Collosal studio lot look they might have been filmed in an actual studio lot of the time, and one scene shows a city bus pulling up outside the studio gates, disgorging all the workers. Can anyone tell me where these outdoor shots were actually filmed? I'd love to know!


Unfortunately I haven't seen the film again in the last 5 years but the colorful restaurant sites were real. The Colossal Studios lot was General Services Studios now called Hollywood General Studios


The bowler hat building was the Brown Derby.

I think I had the same expression as Atterbury Dodd looking at all those buildings.
