a real stinkeroo

The "witty" lines are labored and self-consciously funny, and therefore fall flat. There may be many reasons but it seems to me Joan Bennett's voice and delivery are too serious for this type of froth. There's a good reason why this movie is relatively unknown and His Gal Friday is a classic. I only saw it because it was online and I figured any comedy with Cary Grant had to be entertaining. I was mistaken.


Sure it's not a great film like His Girl Friday. But it's got some cute moments, and for anyone that follows Cary Grant's career it's a gem.

He's not quite got his persona polished yet, and at times it's a bit forced, but it's like an embryo of His Girl Friday, it's tantalising to see how near he was at this point to the genius that really hatched with The Awful Truth.

A must see for serious Grant fans, otherwise skip it if you like, but I don't think it's terrible (you should see some of the stuff he did before this!!)


grant does not have his comic form flowing in this one and no chemistry with bennett.
a miss.
