Final Scenes - SPOILER

The final scenes of this movie are really great - the "prayers" of both the clergyman and the inmates granting Thompson his "reprieve", the tension building to...? Until the next to last scene, I did not know whether Thompson would be executed or released. The building tension can be seen and felt through the fine acting of John Beal. But the final scene was the show stopper for me. My hope for a happy ending was realized. PLUS the completely unexpected appearance of Willie Best provides a wonderful surprise and just the right light-hearted touch for the end of this movie. I love the last two lines when Willie asks Preston Foster if he has ever been "hit" by love, and Foster wistfully replies, "No, just grazed." Good movie.

John 3:16


I am watching it as I write this. Ann Dvorak is always good to watch. (I don't mind the spoiler, by the way :=) )


I agree. One more reason I like this movie is the fact that she is a "good girl" who gets to enjoy a happy ending. In so many of her movies she is afflicted or addicted and is a tragic character. Not really that pretty, but the "camera loves her."

John 3:16


Movie girl: I like the film and I think Ann is always good to watch. SHe was distintively pretty, I think.


Movie girl: I like this film too and was happy to see Willie Best (in everything1) at the end of the film. IT was a nice surprise at the end, but sorry for PReston Foster's character.
